Personal legal advice and services

Advocates of bureau "Cierech, Neviadouski and Partners" provides legal assistance to the citizens of Belarus and foreign citizens in the areas of:

  1. Housing relations, in particular, relations, associated with implementation and termination of property rights and (or) possession and use of premises; reconstruction and development; eviction from premises (unlawful detainer, summary possession, summary dispossess, summary process, forcible detainer, ejectment, and repossession), it may also involve the removal of persons from premises that were foreclosed by a mortgagee;
  2. Inheritance relations (including succession to property by descent from a deceased dying intestate and under a will or testament (beneficiaries, devisees, bequestees or legatees relations);
  3. Legal relations, arising in consequence of injury;
  4. Labour relations, including matters, related to conclusion, execution and termination of individual and collective labor agreements, workplace injury and illness.
  5. Marriage and family relations, including relations, connected with a conclusion and termination of  marriage; legal relations, arising from the adoption, guardianship, alimony obligations or division of the common property of the spouses and determination of the spouses' shares of that property.
  6. Legal relations arising from possession, use and disposal of property, including real estate (real property or realty, consists of: the land; the improvements and fixtures attached to the land; and all rights incidental or belonging to the property);
  7. Legal relations arising from works of literature, science and art creation and use (copyright law);
  8. Administrative justice relations (administrative justice decides on complaints against decisions made in the sphere of public administration by an executive authority, judges, courts (hereinafter “administrative authority”), our assistance includes protection against the inaction of an administrative authority, protection against an unlawful interference of an administrative authority, competence complaints);
  9. Criminal justice relations.
Within the framework of the provision of legal assistance to individuals, lawyers:
  1. Provide advice and clarification;
  2. Make account statements, complaints and other documents;
  3. Represent clients before the courts, including the stage of execution of judgments, as well as in public bodies, other organizations;
  4. Participate in the pre-trial criminal proceedings and in criminal court as defense counsels and as representatives of victims, civil plaintiffs, civil defendants;
  5. Participate in the administrative procedure as defense counsels, representatives of victims and other persons or entities, that are parties to administrative proceeding.
Attorney-client privilege

The attorney-client privilege is the core principle of relationship between advocates of AB "Cierech, Neviadouski and Partners" and clients that guarantees confidentiality of communications between a client and an attorney.

According to the legislation on advocate's activities of the Republic of Belarus, the attorney-client privilege protects:

the issues in connection with which the client has requested assistance of an attorney-at-law;
the content of consultations, explanations and other information provided by the attorney-at-law to the client;
the data communicated by the client on circumstances of the crime related the criminal case in which the attorney-at-law defended the client’s rights, freedoms and interests;
commercial secrets of the client;
information about the client's private life.
No information protected by the attorney-client privilege can be obtained from the attorney-at-law and used as evidence in civil, administrative or criminal processes. It is forbidden by law for state authorities, officials and other persons to request such information from attorneys-at-law.

The attorneys of the Advocates bureau "Cierech, Neviadouski and Partners" have no rights:

to disclose the information covered by the attorney-client privilege not only in the process of legal assistance but also after termination of agreement with the client;
to give evidence in any circumstances covered by the attorney-client privilege ;
to perform any action that jeopardizes the trust relationship with the client.

The attorney-client privilege has no time limit.